Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 5 May 2021 – Key Messages

1.   Vacancy for Town Councillor – There is a new vacancy for a Town Councillor. If you would like to be an advocate for your community please see our website or contact the Town Clerk for further information.

2.   End of Virtual Meetings – Following a High Court ruling, local councils are no longer permitted to hold virtual meetings. Buckfastleigh Town Council strongly objects to this and has taken the decision to suspend all scheduled meetings for June. We will be holding our Annual Town Council Meeting in Victoria Park on Wednesday 19th May at 7.00pm. The public are welcome to attend but only up to a maximum of 30 in accordance with social distancing requirements.

3.   Councillor Stuart Barker – It was noted that Devon County Councillor and Chair, Stuart Barker is retiring this month after 26 years of public service. Members conveyed their thanks for his work and commitment to our town.


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.