Come and join Buckfastleigh Town Council. We are looking to co-opt four new Town Councillors.
Would you like to make a difference in your community, develop new skills and meet new people?
To qualify as a candidate and to continue to hold the office of Town Councillor, a person must be a British or Commonwealth citizen, citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of another Member State of the European Union and, on the relevant day, must have attained the age of eighteen years.
In addition, the candidate must qualify under at least one of the following conditions: –
on that day and thereafter s/he continues to be registered as a local government elector for the parish (meaning the whole area of the parish);
during the whole of the 12 months preceding s/he has occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the parish;
during the 12 months preceding their principal or only place of work has been in the parish; or
during the whole of the 12 months preceding s/he has been resident in the parish or within 4.8 km of it (of its parish boundary).
Please apply in writing to Judith Hart, the Town Clerk at the Town Hall or email: clerk@buckfastleigh.gov.uk and include up to 250 words for each of the following headings: –
Why do you want to be a Town Councillor?
What skills do you have to offer?
What would you like to achieve in your community as a Councillor?
In addition to the above please complete and return the ‘Qualification to Hold Office’ which is available to download from our website or from Judith Hart the Town Clerk. If you wish to find out more and would like to have an informal chat with our Chair, Councillor Huw Cox please contact him through Judith.