Town Council Meeting on 8 November 2017 – Key Messages

1. Grant Awards – the Town Council took great pleasure in awarding grants of £250 to support Scoriton & Buckfastleigh Twinning Association, Time at the Bar (a new social group initiative for the over 65s at the Valiant Soldier), The Friendship Group, the Pantomime Group, Buckfastleigh Christmas Fair and The Seed Community Christmas Meal & […]

Town Council Meeting on 11th October 2017 – Key Messages

Cycle South Dartmoor Update – thanked the Town Council for their contribution of £500 towards the cost of the SUSTRANS feasibility study for a proposed new cycle route connecting communities adjacent to the A38 from Plymouth to Ashburton. The SUSTRANS report will be available soon and presented to Devon Highways. Whitecleave Quarry – Further errors […]

Town Council Meeting on 13th September 2017 – Key Messages

  At the September meeting it was agreed to commission an internal viability study regarding the transfer of all the Teignbridge District Council owned car parks in Buckfastleigh to the Town Council. Following receipt of a planning application for the Devonia site, the Council reiterated its wish to be involved in a masterplan for this […]

Devonia Site plans

There is a new Planning Application with Dartmoor National Park for the Devonia site at the centre of town. Devonia Sheepskins & Tanners Ltd. are asking for permission to knock down the existing ‘raw skin store’ and replace it with a metal-constructed building at a different location…   Both these buildings are just outside the Conservation […]

Holne Road, Buckfastleigh Community Survey – Deadline for comments 23.08.17

Burrington Estates are an Exeter-based property developer, with an interest in land to the west of Holne Road, Buckfastleigh who would like to take the opportunity to receive some initial thoughts from the community for the Holne Road site identified by Dartmoor National Park Authority for residential development within the Dartmoor National Park Development Management […]

Good Dogs – Good Owners

Help us keep our parks, beaches and open spaces clean, beautiful, and safe, for everyone. Teignbridge District Council is revising its dog control powers and would like to introduce a Public Space Protection Order. Take the survey at: and have your say. Survey closes on Friday 29th September 2017.  

Ward Councillor Representation to Buckfastleigh Town Council

Email from Councillor Charlie Dennis to Buckfastleigh Town Council dated 12th July 2017:- I would be grateful if this e-mail could be read out at item four on your agenda. “Good evening Chairman and Councillors, I notice that agenda item four refers to District Councillors reports. It seems to me that Buckfastleigh Town Council is […]

National Grid – M5 Closure

As part of the overhead line refurbishment work between Landulph and Exeter by the National Grid, it will be necessary to close the M5 between junctions 28 and 30 from 10.00pm on Sunday 30th July until 6.00am on Monday 31st July 2017. A diversion route will be in place and it may be necessary to […]