Buckfastleigh – Where Next?

A Community Planning workshop was held on Monday July 10th where residents got to put forward their views of what we should be prioritising for next year (2018-2019). We looked at… How the council is spending your money… What your priorities are… What we should do next… If you couldn’t make the event and would like […]

Advice from Devon County Council Civil Parking Enforcement

Dear Residents, The following advice has been issued by the Civil Parking Enforcement team at DCC following a complaint sent by the Town Council on behalf of some residents who have allegedly experienced aggressive ticketing and intimidating behaviour by a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) working in Buckfastleigh:- There are 14 CEOs who operate in this […]

Parking Enforcement in Buckfastleigh

At a recent Town Council meeting it was brought to our attention that some residents are experiencing aggressive ticketing when parking. Letters were sent to both Devon County Council with respect to on-street parking and Teignbridge District Council regarding the use of their car parks within the town. The following response has been received from […]

Proposed Government Funding Cuts to Local Schools

Please read the letter below sent by the Town Council to our local MP, Mel Stride, his response and the subsequent correspondence from Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards: Letter to MP – 27.03.17 Response from Mel Stride MP – 05.04.17 Response from Nick Gibb MP – 28.04.17

Buckfastleigh and Buckfast Draft Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2027

It’s not too late to submit your comments in wirting about the Neighbourhood Plan to Judith Hart, the Town Clerk. The deadline is 5.00pm on Friday 7th April and the plan with supporting documents can be found on this website with hard copies in the Town Hall entrance hall, Buckfastleigh Library and at Teignbridge District […]