The Future of the Town Hall

Report from Town Council meeting – 22nd August – The future of the Town Hall

The Town Council as the trustee of the Town Hall charity, has done lots of work over the last 3 years, improving building safety, fixing damage and sorting out many of the financial, legal and management issues, but is struggling to run the Council as well as manage the Town Hall (& Institute) charity effectively.

The Town Hall faces a lot of challenges in order to get it fit for the future, including changes to the building and the way it is managed. It would also be a good time to find out how local residents would like to see the building used in the future.

We therefore decided to continue the process of separating the Town Hall from the Town Council and create an independent board of trustees to manage the charity, who have the skills and energy to take it forward.

We will…

  • Set up a new charitable company as trustee for the ‘Town Hall & Institute’ 
  •  Transfer the ownership of the building to the ‘Offical Custodian for Charities’ 
  • Advertise and appoint 5 or 6 directors for the new charitable company
  • Provide financial support to the Town Hall (as well as management & administrative support while the transfer is underway).

We aim to complete this by April 2019.

Please Note – The Town Council will carry on financially supportting the Town Hall to make it viable.