Buckfastleigh Town Hall & Institute March 2022 update
The Trustees and Management met on Tuesday 1st March to review the Town Hall measures following the lifting of all restrictions, our main aim still being to strike a balance between removing measures whilst being careful and respectful.
From Monday 7th of March:
– You are welcome to wear a face covering in the building.
– You are welcome to use the hand sanitiser provided.
– You are requested to stay away if unwell or displaying symptoms.
Community Groups need to know they can safely hold their usual or a version of their usual activities in the building. Although there are no restrictions in place now, we have decided for the time being to keep maximum capacity in each room lower than ‘normal’ pre-covid times. This means that capacity in the Main Hall will increase from 70 to 100. Rooms 2 and 3 will increase from 16 to 30 per room for more flexibility of use. Rooms can be well ventilated and are heated. (If you would still like your booking to be socially distanced, please speak to the Manager about maximum numbers for each space). Please be aware of any guidance specific to your own sector/activity.
The Main Door will once again be open between 9-1pm, Monday to Friday, for access to the Town Hall Manager’s Office and the Town Clerk Office. For access to the Town Clerk Office outside of these hours please contact Judith Hart, Town Clerk directly to arrange). Key card holders will be able to leave the door ‘on the latch’ for their activity attendees (if they wish to).
We will now accept most bookings for indoor gatherings organised by a Business, Charity, or other formal organisation and bookings are once again being accepted for Children’s Birthday Parties. Standard risk assessments are required for all formal activities open to the public. These include but are not limited to the following:
- Formal Support Groups
- Education Services
- Parent and Child Groups
- Organised Children’s activities
- Library Services.
- Static and active indoor exercise/Martial Arts.
- W.I. and Senior Citizen Clubs.
- Meetings.
- Professional Choirs
We will still not be taking bookings for licensed parties for other reasons at this time.
We continue to keep a close eye on things and the Trustees and Management review on a regular basis.