Yearly Archives: 2023

Join the Town Council! Four new Town Councillors needed

Come and join Buckfastleigh Town Council. We are looking to co-opt four new Town Councillors.  Would you like to make a difference in your community, develop new skills and meet new people? To qualify as a candidate and to continue to hold the office of Town Councillor, a person must be a British or Commonwealth […]


Thanks to the hard work put in by some members of the Town Council and other volunteers from the town, the Duckspond is flourishing this year.  Fish, wild birds and waterfowl have all been spotted making the most of this much improved habitat.  

Newton Abbot Ring & Ride

Every Friday, Newton Abbot Ring & Ride wheelchair-friendly minibus gathers pre-booked passengers from their homes in Buckfastleigh starting at about 9.30 am, then makes its way into Newton Abbot by about 10.15 am. Passengers get off the bus in the town centre (or along the route by request) and have about two hours to shop, […]

Town Council Meeting on 15th March 2023 – Key Messages

  Hedgehog Highway Project: The Council has allocated £150 to join this project which will promote the creation of Hedgehog Highways.  These are gaps created in fences to enable hedgehogs to move around in safety and avoid having to use roads to access food. New Public Bench: Scoriton and Buckfastleigh Twinning Association are being gifted […]

Town Council Meeting on 15th February 2023 – Key Messages

New Councillor: We would like to welcome our newly co-opted Town Councillor Paul Georghiades. Small Grant Allocation: The Town Council is pleased to award £500 to the Community Newsletter to assist with the cost of printing. Emergency Plan: The Emergency Plan has been updated and the Council is seeking volunteers to join the Volunteer Emergency […]

Could you be the one to Make a Change?

Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who […]

Town Council Meeting on 18th January 2023 – Key Messages

New Chair: We would like to convey our thanks to Councillor Sue Clarke who is sadly standing down as Chair and Town Mayor, a position she has held since October 2020.  She will continue as a Town Councillor.  Councillors are pleased to welcome Councillor Huw Cox as our new Chair and Town Mayor. Lottery Funding: […]

Victoria Park Perennial Grant Application

Statement by Councillor Sue Clarke, Chair of Buckfastleigh Town Council On 12th December 2022 Buckfastleigh Town Council met with members of the Victoria Park Trust to discuss their perennial grant application for 2023 – 2027 to enable them to meet the rise in energy costs and keep the swimming pool open. The trustees informed us […]